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Drop Off

We accept pre-booked pets in between 8.30 am and 11.00 am each morning.


The later you arrive to drop off your pet in general means your pet will go home later in the day, however if you require an early pick-up time please try to have your pet here between 8.30 and 9.30 am. If you are running late please call us soon as possible so that we can either accommodate you or re-book your pet for another day.


Prices will be quoted on arrival.



Pick Up

An arranged pick-up time will be given at drop off. If you are running late please call to let us know.



 Toilet Breaks & Water

Toilet breaks are given to each pet that visits us for the day in our large enclosed courtyard.

Fresh water is also given to all pets staying for their groom.



Cats & Dogs

All cats are required to be in crates and dogs on leads, this is essential for their safety, as there may be other pets being dropped off at the same time.